The platform for entrepreneurs in mind & spirit!

Complete services for emoney, wallet and ecommerce

Our vision is to provide a comprehensive medium for digital currency and enable its applicability in day-to-day activities.
Spending money with financial benefits is now possible with the BittWatt account!

Low Cost Money transfer

(Account-to-Account Transaction)

Sending money to anyone in seconds, is for us a priority! We strive to provide low cost fees and cards with IBAN attached to each user so that the Emoney becomes a reality for everyone.

Merchant payment Highway

Your Phone is your cash register

No business without products, no sales without money, no money without payments. Why do merchants have very good payment system integrated? Because easy payments are increasing the volume. Using BPay money request you don't get access just to a payment highway but to our entire shoping comunity. Click here for access.

Digital Energy Exchange

Bittwatt enables utility payments worldwide with digital energy vouchers and even with other digital assets to any supplier or merchant enrolled on our platform. Get our mobile app for IOS and Android.

Blockchain Market Place

Create your own Chain today like a digital expression to grow your local or international business. Our BChain is an open market for all goods and services working with any kind of currencies. Click here for more details.


Sell or buy products or digital assets directly or through our API. Our trading engine will cover your needs. We provide more than 100.000 transactions per second! Click here for access.


If you have many friends, it means you are an influencer! Good for you!
Do you want to make some money? Then just invite all your friends to join Bittwatt or any of our BChains by using your Pool code available under your Account. There you will see also the % of your bonuses that will apply to all transactions made by your friends under our platform.

Cross-Chain Integration

Bittwatt introduces you to BChains - the virtual ecommerce platforms.
A chain is actually an individual smart contract that processes transactions within members of the chain and Bittwatt community, with the following unbeatable advantages:

  • Minimum setup of each application with instant availability over browser
  • Market place available upfront
  • Mobile app
  • Community benefits and lower transaction fees
Phone Logo


Check up some of the reason to join our community

Licensed ewallet & exchange

We operate under an official exchange license

Dedicated apps

Check all our apps on the BChain page.

Ultra fast trading

Our platform is backed by an ultra fast and secure database

Private chains

Our chains come with mobile app attached

Cards with IBAN

Comming soon.

Utility payments

Please see available countries on our mobile app.